Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Re-Signaling at CP-308

While the former New York Central Main Line has been an absolute sanctuary for signaling compared with the other eastern routes, it cannot be completely immune from CSX's wrath.  Currently up on the chopping block is CP-308 near Jordan, NY, just east of Syracuse.  This was small target searchlight country last re-signaled by Conrail in the 1980s and like the PRR main there are a great many classic signal bridges still standing in service.  The New York Central was a great believer in CTC and the presence of Rule 261 operation and no pole lines has made this route a real survivor.  In fact CSX has even replaced searchlights with like at CP-293 and CP-175 on new masts and cantilevers.  This time the Darth Vaders are going in for a pair of NYC gantries so if you are in the era hike out and document the old equipment while you can.

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