Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Can't believe It... Chicago Line CP-175

The greatest tragedy is when recently installed classic signals are replaced...putting a premature end to what could have been a valuable item of living history for decades to come.  The Chicago Line is no stranger to this odd bit of decision making with NS replacing the 1980's vintage tubular cantilevers with the small target Michigan Central style searchlights.  It this time it's CSX's turn in a more heartbreaking decision to replace the same type of small target searchlights at CP-175 in Amsterdam, NY  which was re-signaled by CSX itself only a few short years ago.  Back when CSX actually cared about saving money they installed brand new three-head small target semaphore masts for eastbound movements and re-wired the signals on the 3-track westbound New York Central signal gantry.  Well the construction crews are out with new relay huts and Darth Vader masts going up.  I suspect they are spending stimulus funds earmarked for the Empire High Speed Rail corridor.  Anyway, if you live in the area get your pictures while you can, especially of those brand new eastbound masts.

And of course the real shame....the brand new small target searchlight masts being replaced by Darth Vader heads.  Is it really cheaper to just splice the new interlocking wires into the existing equipment??

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