Friday, April 20, 2012

CSX Mohawk Rampgae

While the bracket replacement out west of buffalo might be a necessary piecemeal replacement, what is going on in the Mohawk valley is much more disturbing.  I posted recently about CP-175 and then came upon move evidence that CSX has been on a tear in that care replacing all sorts of signals between CP-RJ and CP-188 in Fonda.  The true extent of the damage is not yet known, but the double-distant NYC signal bridge between CP-175 and CP-169 is slated for replacement so if you live in the area please get out to bot that and the two adjacent interlockings ASAP.  Hopefully CSX will hold off on CP-169 until the high speed rail funds are available to give it a little more time.  If only the Lake shore had a railfan window I could survey the line in one go!

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