Well it's not down yet, but the on again/off again replacement of B&O CPLs between Cincinatti and Hamilton, OH is on again as evidence of new signal structures are in place. That this signal lasted so long is somewhat of a surprise as a more modern adjacent CPL location was replaced some years ago. I recommend that anyone in the area make a pilgrimage and capture it before it is gone. The signal is not only interesting as a B&O CPL cantilever, but also because all 4 signals have a 10 o'clock orbital.
A blog devoted to explaining the ins and outs of North American railroad signaling, past, present and future. This blog seeks to preserve through photo documentation the great diversity and technical ingenuity of 20th century signaling and interlocking hardware and technology. Related topics cover interlocking towers and railroad communications infrastructure.
Note, due to a web hosting failure some of the photos and links may be unavailable.
It has been taken down as of Thursday, October 19th. It may have happened a day or two prior to that, but I first noticed it on the 19th. I am sad to see it go!