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Sunday, December 15, 2024

GLENWOOD Tower Demolished

It has been reported, and confirmed on street view, that the former B&O tower in the Glenwood section of Pittsburgh has been demolished. As covered in my 2022 post, the tower was built in 1908 and closed by CSX in 2003 with the adjacent yard and line leased to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. These lease arrangements can often freeze infrastructure in place as user doesn't own the tower and the owner doesn't want to invest in a potentially asbestos impacted demolition. In 2019 the AVR took full ownership of the former CSX P&W Sub and adjacent Glenwood Yard and at the time of my report I suspected that the change in ownership would unfreeze the situation.  

Turns out I was right and AVR made the expected choice of demolition, as opposed to finding some alternative use for the decayed wooden structure. Unfortunately no trace of the structure remains. 

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