So it's been a year since my last comprehensive PRR Main Line trip report and a lot has changed in that time. First and foremost, NS's slow and steady re-signaling campaign has made a massive jump westward with new signals now going up along the entire western slope all the way to Pittsburgh on the Pittsburgh Line and Rochester on the Fort Wayne Line. This is a recent development and some of the masts in the Pittsburgh area are still sitting on the ground, however this marks the beginning of the end of the last great position lit terminal on a Class 1 railroad.
Twilight of the PLs at CP-PITT |
In a small silver lining it appears that NS is expanding it's cab signaling to cover the Pittsburgh Gap between CP-EAST PITT and CP-KISKI on the Pittsburgh and Conemaugh Lines and CP-ROCHESTER on the Fort Wayne Line. All the new signals are going up with Rule 280a 'C' boards. This would mark a rare modern occurrence of a freight railroad installing a new safety system on it's own accord as the PTC mandate did quite a bit to forestall additional cab signal. Of course this will definitely ruin some of the aesthetics of the 3-4 track freight raceway between Pittsburgh and Rochester, however only about 3-4 automatic signal locations will be impacted.

It also appears that the former ALTO tower territory, resignaled in 2012, will not be getting Rule 280a 'C' boards, continuing to operate under Rule 261 with a single automatic on #2 track adjacent CP-HOMER. Other areas with back-to-back interlockings, like the Pittsburgh terminal, go not appear to be getting the same treatment despite the presence of some shortline operators that would need to get their engines cab signal equipped. NS is potentially increasing the number of signal blocks as the RoW has sprouted numerous new relay huts in odd locations, but these could just be for grade crossings or other secondary functions.
This new signal bridge is here to stay. The westbound one will be replaced. |
On the pneumatic front the entire Middle Division has been changed to electric M23 point machines. Over the hill CP-MG and CP-SO have both lost their pneumatic plants while CP-AR, CP-UN and CP-MO still retain them. West of Johnstown CP-CONPIT, CP-RAGE, CP-TRAFF, CP-WING and CP-HOME are still pneumatic, but will likely be converted soon. Interestingly, CP-C shows no work whatsoever in either the point machines or signals.
Missed my chance to take photos of the pneumatics at CP-SO and CP-MG :-( |
In Pittsburgh specifically, signals will no longer play a role in protecting trains approaching the 20mph curve west of the downtown station. Instead of an Approach Medium -> Approach Slow -> Slow Clear (removed) progression, non-diveging trains will get Clear straight through. However the closely spaced interlockings will result in the use of R/R/*Y* Slow Approach signals. Also because the old Pitt signaled siding was removed, the new westbound signal at CP-PITT will only slow straight route signals and Restricting.
In the future trains through Pittsburgh will proceed on straight Clear signals. |
While I have been able to document a lot of the infrastructure on this line before the charges started, I can't get to it all, so once again I am urging anyone nearby to get as many photos as you can before the past is gone for good :-(